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Like any good venture, it all started with an opportunity.


A friend had approach Mr. Neoh one day to ask help find someone that could provide a green wall to cover and and beautify the side fencing of his house.  The design concept was to give an incredibly inviting natural visual effect and an unforgettable welcome for guests to the house.  However, the price quoted from the supplier almost brought about the end of this vision.  Mr Neoh suggested that he probably could construct and install one at a fraction of the cost, even without any prior experience in vertical garden systems.  His friend gave him a chance to try.  4 months later, his friend's vision was realized and EcoBalance was started with a mission to supply quality, affordable vertical garden systems to bring back more greenery to our urban landscape.


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Since that time, EcoBalance have installed over a hundred vertical gardens around the country.  Along the way, we've gained a lot more experience in the design, construction, installation, and maintenance of vertical garden systems.  The result is a simple, durable, reliable, and sustainable green wall system that is proudly Malaysian-designed and Malaysian-made.  This gives us complete control of the quality of our products and enables us to create custom-designed units to suit our customers unique requirements and specifications. We are proud to offer our EcoBalance Vertical Garden Systems that can be customized to any available surface, outdoor or indoor.​



​Since their humble beginnings, EcoBalance continues to grow as we engage and partner up with experienced expertise in the fields of engineering & construction, horticulture, and landscape design to meet project needs that has grown in scale and complexity.  


Through it all, EcoBalance has cultivated a reputation for providing quality installations with honest and reliable customer service. 

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